加拿大移民 > 51114 笔译员、术语学家和口译员
51114 笔译员、术语学家和口译员

51114 笔译员、术语学家和口译员 Translators, terminologists and interpreters - Immiknow NOC- TEER 1 


Translators translate written material from one language to another. Interpreters translate oral communication from one language to another during speeches, meetings, conferences, debates and conversation, or in court or before administrative tribunals. Terminologists conduct research to itemize terms connected with a certain field, define them and find equivalents in another language. Sign language interpreters use sign language to translate spoken language and vice versa during meetings, conversations, television programs or in other instances. Translators, terminologists and interpreters are employed by government, private translation and interpretation agencies, in-house translation services, large private corporations, international organizations and the media, or they may be self-employed. Sign language interpreters work in schools and courts, and for social service agencies, interpretation services, government services and television stations, or they may be self-employed. 

51114 笔译员、术语学家和口译员头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 社区口译员 community interpreter 
* 会议口译 conference interpreter 
* 法院口译 court interpreter 
* 翻译员 interpreter 
* 法律名词专家 legal terminologist 
* 文学翻译家 literary translator 
* 本地化 - 语言学 localiser - linguistics 
* 医学术语学家 medical terminologist 
* 手语翻译 sign language interpreter 
* 名词员 terminologist 
* 翻译者 translator 
* 翻译改编者 translator adaptor 
* 翻译审校 translator-reviser 


* 文化翻译

* 音译翻译

51114 笔译员、术语学家和口译员主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 翻译和翻译审校执行部分或全部下列职责:Translators and translator-revisers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 将各种书面材料,如信函,报告,法律文件,技术规格和教科书,从一种语言翻译到另一种,最大程度地保留原始材料的内容,背景和风格 
Translate a variety of written material such as correspondence, reports, legal documents, technical specifications and textbooks from one language to another, maintaining the content, context and style of the original material to the greatest extent possible 

* 本地化软件和相应的技术文件,使其适应另一种语言和文化 
Localize software and accompanying technical documents to adapt them to another language and culture 

* 修订和纠正翻译材料 
Revise and correct translated material 

* 可培训和监督其他翻译员
May train and supervise other translators

### 术语学家执行部分或全部下列职责:Terminologists perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 确认一个活动领域中所使用的术语 
Identify the terminology used in a field of activity 

* 针对给定的主题进行术语研究,或响应词汇,术语库,技术文件,字典,词典和资源中心的编制查询,并且添加到术语数据库 
Conduct terminological research on a given subject or in response to inquiries for the preparation of glossaries, terminology banks, technological files, dictionaries, lexicons and resource centres, and add to terminological databases 

* 对从术语数据库收集的语言信息进行管理,更新和传播 
Manage, update and circulate linguistic information collected from terminological databases 

* 编制法律,科学或其他需要专门术语的文件,为笔译,口译和技术作家提供咨询服务
Provide consultative services to translators, interpreters and technical writers preparing legal, scientific or other documents that require specialized terminologies

### 口译执行部分或全部下列职责:Interpreters perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 将口头交流从一种语言大声地翻译到另一种或使用电子设备,可以同时(伴随音箱讲),连续(扬声器说话后)或低声耳语地(当扬声器说话时,低声翻译给一个或两个人听) 
Interpret oral communication from one language to another aloud or using electronic equipment, either simultaneously (as the speaker speaks), consecutively (after the speaker speaks) or whispered (speaking in a low whisper to one or two persons as the speaker is talking) 

* 在法院或行政法庭前提供口译服务 
Provide interpretation services in court or before administrative tribunals 

* 可以为在加拿大和国外旅行的个人和小团体进行口头翻译 
May interpret language for individuals and small groups travelling in Canada and abroad 

* 可能为在各种情况说原住民语言或外语的人进行口译 
May interpret for persons speaking an Aboriginal or foreign language in a variety of circumstances 

* 可能培训其他口译人员
May train other interpreters

### 手语翻译执行部分或全部下列职责:Sign language interpreters perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 同时或连续地将手语翻译成口语,反之亦然
Translate sign language to a spoken language and vice versa either simultaneously or consecutively

51114 笔译员、术语学家和口译员任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 翻译大学学位,专攻两种语言的翻译、口译或术语学,包括至少两种官方语言中的一种,或相关学科的大学学位,如语言、语言学、语言学和语言迁移课程,以及两年的需要以两种语言(至少其中一种是官方语言)工作的全职翻译经验,或以两种语言(至少其中一种是官方语言)工作的五年全职翻译经验

A university degree in translation with a specialization in translation, interpretation or terminology in two languages including at least one of the two official languages or a university degree in a related discipline such as languages, linguistics, philology and courses in linguistic transfer and two years' experience as a full-time translator working in two languages, at least one of which is an official language or five years of experience as a full-time translator working in two languages, at least one of which is an official language, are required

* 手语翻译员要求大专培训课程或手语翻译大学证书
Sign language interpreters require a college training program or a university certificate in sign language interpretation

* 翻译,术语专家和口译员可能需要加拿大翻译,术语和口译理事会审查认证或通过其考试 
Certification on dossier or by examination from the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council may be required for translators, terminologists and interpreters

* 手语翻译可能需要证书或LSQ或ASL的认证评估
Sign language interpreters may require a certificate or certification evaluation in LSQ or ASL

* 国际范围内的笔译或口译工作者通常需要熟练掌握三种语言
Fluency in three languages is usually required for translators or interpreters working in an international context

* 笔译,口译和术语工作者可能需要是省或地区协会的会员 
Membership in a provincial or territorial association of translators, interpreters and terminologists may be required

* 可能需要是省级手语翻译联合会的成员 
Membership in a provincial association of sign language interpreters may be required

* 一些省份可能会规范职称的使用

Use of professional titles may be regulated in some provinces

51114 笔译员、术语学家和口译员附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC

* 手语翻译使用法语和魁北克手语 (LSQ) 或英语和美国手语 (ASL)

Sign language interpreters work in French and Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) or in English and American Sign Language (ASL)

* 翻译,术语专家和口译专注于加拿大的两种官方语言,如法语和英语。他们还专长于另一种语言和官方语言之一。专业化的主要领域包括行政,文学,科学和技术翻译。口译可能专长于法庭,议会或会议的翻译
Translators, terminologists and interpreters specialize in two languages, such as French and English, the official languages of Canada. They may also specialize in another language and one of the official languages. The main areas of specialization include administrative, literary, scientific and technical translation. Interpreters may specialize in court, parliamentary or conference interpretation

51114 笔译员、术语学家和口译员不包括 Exclusions - Immiknow NOC

* 作者和作家(技术除外)(51111)Authors and writers (except technical) (51111)

* 编辑 ( 51110 ) Editors (51110)

* 语言学校讲师(41210大专及其他职业讲师)Language school instructor (in 41210 College and other vocational instructors)

* 语言学家(在41409 社会科学的其他专业职业中)Linguist (in 41409 Other professional occupations in social science)

* 公用事业定位器(在74204 公用事业维护工人中)Utility locator (in 74204 Utility maintenance workers )

51114 笔译员、术语学家和口译员职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 美国手语(ASL)口译员 American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter 
* 认证口译员 (C.Int.)  Certified interpreter (C.Int.)

* 认证术语学家 (C.Term.)  Certified terminologist (C.Term.) 
* 认证译员 (C.Tr.)  Certified translator (C.Tr.)

* 社区口译员 community interpreter 
* 会议口译 conference interpreter 
* 连续口译 consecutive interpreter 
* 法院口译员 court interpreter 
* 文化传译员 cultural interpreter 
* 文化或国际适应专家 cultural or international adaptation specialist 
* 聋译员 deaf interpreter 
* 教育译员 educational interpreter 
* 肘口译员 elbow interpreter 
* 护送口译员 escort interpreter 
* 外国广播翻译 foreign broadcast translator 
* 外国新闻翻译 foreign news translator 
* 翻译员 interpreter 
* 聋人翻译 interpreter for persons who are deaf 
* 翻译,用手语 interpreter, sign language 
* 尤里语言学家翻译 jurilinguist translator 
* 法律名词员 legal terminologist 
* 法律翻译 legal translator 
* 文学翻译家 literary translator 
* 本地化 - 语言学 localiser - linguistics 
* LSQ(魁北克手语)口译员 LSQ (Quebec Sign Language) interpreter 
* 医学名词员 medical terminologist 
* 医疗翻译 medical translator 
* 口语传译员 oral interpreter 
* 魁北克手语译员(LSQ) Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) interpreter 
* 接替口译员 relay interpreter 
* 翻译审校 - reviser – translation 
* 科学翻译 scientific translator 
* 手语翻译 sign language interpreter 
* 签署语言平台口译员 sign language platform interpreter 
* 同声翻译 simultaneous interpreter 
* 触觉译员 tactile interpreter 
* 技术翻译 technical translator 
* 名词员 terminologist 
* 术语顾问 terminology advisor 
* 翻译者 translator 
* 翻译适配器 translator adaptor 
* 翻译审校 translator-reviser 
* 直译者 transliterator 
* 视觉语言翻译 visual language interpreter  

