加拿大移民 > 94104 督察和测试人员,矿物和金属加工
94104 督察和测试人员,矿物和金属加工

94104 督察和测试人员,矿物和金属加工 Inspectors and testers, mineral and metal processing - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


Inspectors and testers in this unit group inspect, grade, sample or test raw materials and products from mineral ore and metal processing operations. They are employed in mineral ore and metal processing plants such as copper, lead and zinc refineries, uranium processing plants, steel mills, aluminum plants, precious metal refineries, cement processing plants, clay, glass and stone processing plants and foundries. 

94104 督察和测试人员,矿物和金属加工头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 石棉定级工 asbestos grader 
* 砖和瓷砖督察 brick and tile inspector 
* 铸件测试工 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 castings tester – primary metal and mineral products processing 
* 粘土产品定级工 clay products grader 
* 核心测试员 - 铸造 core tester – foundry 
* 玻璃纤维测试员 fibreglass tester 
* 玻璃质量控制检查员 glass quality control inspector 
* 热处理检查员 - 金属加工 heat treating inspector – metal processing 
* 金属加工巡视员 metal processing inspector 
* 矿物取样员 - 矿产品加工 mineral sampler – mineral products processing 
* 熔融金属采样员 - 初级金属加工 molten metal sampler – primary metal processing 
* 打捞玻璃督察 salvage glass inspector 
* 钢板督察 - 初级金属加工 sheet steel inspector – primary metal processing 
* 钢测试员 - 初级金属加工 steel tester – primary metal processing 

94104 督察和测试人员,矿物和金属加工主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

督察人员和测试人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Inspectors and testers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 在不同的处理阶段检查矿石,金属,水泥,玻璃,粘土或水泥产品,以确保遵守规范 
Inspect mineral ore, metal, cement, glass, clay or concrete products at various stages of processing to ensure adherence to specifications 

* 根据大小,厚度,成分或其他分类标准,定级和标签原料或成品 
Grade and label raw materials or finished products according to size, thickness, composition or other classification standards 

* 处理操作过程中或之后对产品进行取样,进行常规分析或随后的实验室分析 
Take samples of products during or after processing operation for routine analysis or for subsequent laboratory analysis 

* 测试产品的强度,密度,耐久性和符合规范 
Test product for strength, density, durability and conformance to specifications 

* 告知主管或中央控制操作员以及过程机器操作员问题和产品缺陷 
Advise supervisor or central control operator and process machine operators of problems and product deficiencies 

* 完成检验和测试报告。 

Complete inspection and test reports.

94104 督察和测试人员,矿物和金属加工任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 通常需要完成中学。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 通常需要矿产和金属加工机器或过程操作员的经验。 
Experience as a machine or process operator in mineral and metal processing is usually required. 

94104 督察和测试人员,矿物和金属加工其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 中央控制和过程的运营商,矿产和金属加工 Central control and process operators, mineral and metal processing [9231](9231) 
* 机器操作员,矿产和金属加工 Machine operators, mineral and metal processing [9411](9411) 
* 冶的控制分析师和矿物学化验师( 地质和矿产技师和技术员) Metallurgical control analysts and mineralogical assayers (in [2212](2212) Geological and mineral technologists and technicians ) 
* 非破坏性的测试人员和检验技术人员 Non-destructive testers and inspection technicians [2261](2261) 
* 质量控制技师和技师, ( 化学技师和技术员) Quality control technologists and technicians (in [2211](2211) Chemical technologists and technicians ) 
* 主管,矿产和金属加工 Supervisors, mineral and metal processing [9211](9211) 

94104 督察和测试人员,矿物和金属加工职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 磨料和粘土制品定级员 abrasive and clay products grader 
* 砂轮测试员 abrasive wheel tester 
* 阳极调节员 - 初级金属加工 anode adjuster – primary metal processing 
* 石棉分类工 asbestos classifier 
* 石棉纤维检查和测试员 asbestos fibre inspector and tester 
* 石棉定级员 asbestos grader 
* 石棉瓦督察 asbestos shingle inspector 
* 砖和瓷砖督察 brick and tile inspector 
* 砖和瓷砖测试工 brick and tile tester 
* 砖定级工 brick grader 
* 铸件检查 - 铸造 castings inspector – foundry 
* 铸件测试员 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 castings tester – primary metal and mineral products processing 
* 电池测试员 - 初级金属加工 cell tester – primary metal processing 
* 水泥工厂检查员 cement plant inspector 
* 粘土产品定级工 clay products grader 
* 的粘土瓦定级工 - 矿产品加工 clay tile grader – mineral products processing 
* 焦炭巡视员 - 初级金属加工 coke inspector – primary metal processing 
* 焦炭取样和测试员 - 初级金属加工 coke sampler and tester – primary metal processing 
* 燃烧测试员,炉 - 初级金属加工 combustion tester, furnace – primary metal processing 
* 混凝土产品检查 concrete products inspector 
* 混凝土制品测试员 concrete products tester 
* 玻璃容器测试员 container tester, glass 
* 核心检查员 - 铸造 core inspector – foundry 
* 核心测试员 - 铸造 core tester – foundry 
* 电解电池测试员 - 初级金属加工 electrolytic cell tester – primary metal processing 
* 评价者,铀矿 evaluator, uranium ore 
* 玻璃纤维测试员 fibreglass tester 
* 检查员 - 初级金属和矿产品加工完成 finishing inspector – primary metal and mineral products processing 
* 铸造砂测试员 foundry sand tester 
* 玻璃容器测试员 glass container tester 
* 玻璃巡视员 glass inspector 
* 玻璃质量控制检查员 glass quality control inspector 
* 玻璃测试员 glass tester 
* 定级工,磨料和粘土制品 grader, abrasive and clay products 
* 定级工,石棉 grader, asbestos 
* 定级工,砖 grader, bricks 
* 定级工,粘土制品 grader, clay products 
* 定级工,粘土瓦 - 矿产品加工 grader, clay tiles – mineral products processing 
* 定级工,石方 grader, stonework 
* 砾石定级工 - 矿产品加工 gravel grader – mineral products processing 
* 硬度测试员 - 初级金属加工 hardness tester – primary metal processing 
* 热处理检查员 - 金属加工 heat treating inspector – metal processing 
* 锭检查 - 初级金属加工 ingots inspector – primary metal processing 
* 检查员 - 金属加工 inspector – metal processing 
* 检查员 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 inspector – primary metal and mineral products processing 
* 督察及定级工,镀锡板 inspector and grader, tin plates 
* 督察,石棉瓦 inspector, asbestos shingles 
* 检查员,砖瓦 inspector, bricks and tiles 
* 督察,铸件 - 铸造 inspector, castings – foundry 
* 检查员,玻璃 inspector, glass 
* 巡视员,热处理 - 金属加工 inspector, heat treating – metal processing 
* 督察,锭 - 初级金属加工 inspector, ingots – primary metal processing 
* 检查员,金属加工 inspector, metal processing 
* 督察,陶器和瓷器 inspector, pottery and porcelain ware 
* 督察,初级金属加工钢板 - inspector, sheet steel – primary metal processing 
* 检查员,钢 - 初级金属加工 inspector, steel – primary metal processing 
* 检查员,钢板 - 初级金属加工 inspector, steel sheets – primary metal processing 
* 检查员,石头 - 矿产品加工 inspector, stones – mineral products processing 
* 检查员,线材产品 inspectors, wire products 
* 铁颗粒硬度计 - 金属加工 iron pellet hardness tester – metal processing 
* 夹层石棉制品督察 laminated asbestos products inspector 
* 金属加工巡视员 metal processing inspector 
* 金属的强度测试员 - 初级金属加工 metal strength tester – primary metal processing 
* 金属材料的拉伸强度测试员 - 初级金属加工 metal tensile strength tester – primary metal processing 
* 矿物取样 - 矿产品加工 mineral sampler – mineral products processing 
* 熔融金属采样 - 初级金属加工 molten metal sampler – primary metal processing 
* 纪念碑巡视员 - 矿产品加工 monument inspector – mineral products processing 
* 矿样测试员 - 矿产品加工 ore sample tester – mineral products processing 
* 矿石取样 - 矿产品加工 ore sampler – mineral products processing 
* 物理测试员 - 钢厂 physical tester – steel mill 
* 石膏板检查 - 矿产品加工 plasterboard inspector – mineral products processing 
* 陶器和瓷器督察 pottery and porcelain ware inspector 
* 质量保证检查 - 钢厂 quality assurance inspector – steel mill 
* 质量控制检查员,玻璃 quality control inspector, glass 
* 打捞玻璃督察 salvage glass inspector 
* 样品测试员 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 sample tester – primary metal and mineral products processing 
* 采样 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 sampler – primary metal and mineral products processing 
* 采样器及测定仪,焦炭 - 初级金属加工 sampler and tester, coke – primary metal processing 
* 采样器,矿物 - 矿物加工 sampler, minerals – mineral products processing 
* 采样器,熔融金属 - 初级金属加工 sampler, molten metal – primary metal processing 
* 沙仪,铸造 sand tester, foundry 
* 薄板和中厚板检查员 - 钢厂 sheet and plate inspector – steel mill 
* 钢板督察 - 初级金属加工 sheet steel inspector – primary metal processing 
* 钢巡视员 - 初级金属加工 steel inspector – primary metal processing 
* 钢板巡视员 - 初级金属加工 steel sheet inspector – primary metal processing 
* 钢测试员 - 初级金属加工 steel tester – primary metal processing 
* 巡视员石 - 矿物制品加工 stone inspector – mineral products processing 
* 拉伸强度测试员,金属 - 初级金属加工 tensile strength tester, metal – primary metal processing 
* 测试员和检查 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 tester and inspector – primary metal and mineral products processing 
* 测试员和督察,电线 - 初级金属加工 tester and inspector, wires – primary metal processing 
* 测试员,砖瓦 tester, bricks and tiles 
* 测试员,铸件 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 tester, castings – primary metal and mineral products processing 
* 测试员,细胞 - 初级金属加工 tester, cells – primary metal processing 
* 测试员,核心 - 铸造 tester, cores – foundry 
* 测试员,玻璃 tester, glass 
* 测试员,玻璃容器 tester, glass containers 
* 测试员,金属的强度 - 初级金属加工 tester, metal strength – primary metal processing 
* 测试员,金属材料的拉伸强度 - 初级金属加工 tester, metal tensile strength – primary metal processing 
* 测试员,钢 - 初级金属加工 tester, steel – primary metal processing 
* 瓷砖定级工,粘土 - 矿产品加工 tile grader, clay – mineral products processing 
* 锡板检查员和年级 tin plate inspector and grader 
* 铀矿评估 uranium ore evaluator 
* 线材产品检查员 wire products inspector 
* 线材测试员和督察 - 初级金属加工 wire tester and inspector – primary metal processing  

