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移民内参 SOL列表职业 135111 首席信息官 Chief Information Officer

135111 首席信息官 Chief Information Officer

发布时间:2015-01-26 复查时间:2023-10-08 4876

ANZSCO 135111 首席信息官 Chief Information Officer - immiknow

135111 首席信息官职业描述 Job description - immiknow


Plans, organises, directs, controls and coordinates the ICT strategies, plans and operations of an organisation to ensure the ICT infrastructure supports the organisation‘s overall operations and priorities.

Previously referred to in ASCO as: 1224-11 Information Technology Manager.

135111 首席信息官职位别名 - immiknow

135111 首席技术官 Chief Technology Officer 

135111 首席信息官技术等级 Skill level - immiknow

首席信息官的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)

135111 首席信息官ACS评估职责要求 Employment Duties - immiknow

1. 分析信息需求并指定技术来满足这些需求。 

Analysing information needs and specifying technology to meet those needs.

2. 制定和指导信息和通信技术(ICT)策略、政策和计划。 

Formulating and directing information and communication technology (ICT) strategies, policies and plans.

3. 指导信息通信技术资源和用户培训条款的选择和安装。

Directing the selection and installation of ICT resources and the provision of user training.

4. 指导系统开发、维护和操作之间的信息通信技术的操作和优先级设置。 

Directing ICT operations and setting priorities between system developments, maintenance and operations.

5. 监督信息通信技术系统的安全性。 

Overseeing the security of ICT systems.

135111 首席信息官ACS评估专业相关性要求 Closely Related Core ICT Units - immiknow

1. 企业信息系统 Business Information Systems

2. 商业智能 Business Intelligence

3. 业务流程再造 业务流程再造 Business Process Reengineering

4. 企业系统规划 Business System planning

5. 统筹方法 Critical Path Method

6. 企业架构(企业资源管理,新兴技术) Enterprise Architecture - (Enterprise Resource Management, Emerging Technologies)

7. 信息通信技术管理 ICT Management

8. 信息通信技术战略 ICT Strategy

9. 信息系统风险管理 Information System Risk Management

10. 信息系统安全 Information System Security

11. 信息系统管理 Information Systems Management

12. 管理信息系统 Management Information Systems

13. 项目管理 Project Management

14. 项目规划 Project Planning

15. 系统集成 System Integration

16. 系统采集(如:资源管理)Systems Acquisition – (eg: Resource Management)

135111 首席信息官ACS评估附加的专业相关性要求 Additional Closely Related ICT Units - immiknow

1. 算法设计(算法开发) 算法设计(算法开发) Algorithm design (Algorithm development)

2. 人工智能 Artificial intelligence

3. 自动控制原理 Automata theory

4. 计算机科学 Computer Science

5. 数据库设计 Database design

6. 数据库实现 Database implementation

7. 数据库管理系统(数据库、面向对象数据库)Database Management Systems - (Relational Database, Object Oriented Database)

8. 专家系统 Expert Systems

9. 文件处理 File Processing

10. 人机交互 Human Computer Interaction

11. 信息系统 Information Systems

12. 信息和通信技术导论(计算机科学导论,计算机理论,企业计算机导论,计算机科学)Introduction to ICT - (Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Theory, Introduction to Business Computing, Computer Science I)

13. 信息系统导论 Introduction to Information Systems

14. 编程语言(C, C++, Objective C, Visual C, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, PL/1, Fortran, PHP, Pearl, AS3, FoxPro, and similar) Programming - (C, C++, Objective C, Visual C, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, PL/1, Fortran, PHP, Pearl, AS3, FoxPro, and similar)

15. 质量管理(质量保证,软件质量)Quality management - (Quality Assurance, Software Quality)

16. 软件工程 Software Engineering

17. 软件验证(软件测试,测试策略和方法) Software validation - (Software Testing, Testing strategies and methods)

18. 网络工程(网页设计,网络工程) Web Engineering - (Web Design, Internet Engineering)

135111 首席信息官所属职业列表 - immiknow

CSOL - 澳洲CSOL职业列表 Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List - immiknow

135111 首席信息官澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority - immiknow

ACS - 澳大利亚计算机协会 Australian Computer Society:

1. ACS职业评估不需要雅思,因此可以在职业评估的过程中并行准备雅思,这样最节省时间;

2. 不要求专业和学历;

3. 评估有效期2年;

4. 评估周期12周;

5. 2013年4月起,ACS 新的标准开始根据申请人的学历,专业和职业减工作年限,符合评估标准之后的工作经验才算。

相关职业 - immiknow

135112 信息和通信技术项目经理 ICT Project Manager
135199 信息和通信技术经理NEC ICT Managers nec

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